Yeah, I said it. Anyhow, welcome to my blog. I figured it's about time I put up a blog of my very own to call home. I have been painting mini's for over 20 years. Sadly I had no clue what I was doing for more than half of that. Dipping the brushes straight into the paint pot, putting the paint on the model without a primer coat. No shading or highlighting. Yeah. That's the way most of us start. But after all of this time, here I am!
So I have had many emails over time asking how I painted this and how I painted that. Now I am in no means one of the best out there. And everyone it more than happy to share how they got that color that way on their models and what not. So here is my little slice. Let me know what you think! Please! Anything constructive is always welcome. I am already a slow painted still so it is always a major celebrations to complete more than a single model. If I get a unit done, it's cause for a party. An Army? We are talking a small miracle of god. Like the creation of life. It's true. Just ask my friends...